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Run:- 2096, 26 February 2024
Location:- Onnut Soi 37, Gung Pao
Hare:- Mini assisted by Noriega

A small but select number of Hashers gathered at soi 37 Onnut, a few of the older, regular and obviously richer Hashers were away at the NZ Interhash. Boob-a-Lube was already telling tales of how he had walked there from Asoke and was feeling better than on the SSH3 run yesterday. Then immediately coughed over Dripper, Retard and myself!

As it got closer to the start time, there were a few worried faces, where were the hares? Surely these 2, combined ages of nearly 150 would not of laid a long trail?

Off we set under no instructions and headed towards the klongs, past some interesting school art work trying to get rid of corruption in Thailand – good luck with that one! We went past a beautiful Wat and headed over the first and largest of the klongs. I soon became detached as always these days. The GM and Retard decided to shortcut not long after the second klong was reached. I was determined to do at least 5K, so kept on going and eventually reached the extremely busy, fast and noisy Srinakarin road.

This is where I eventually lost the trail as at a check by a footbridge, the check seemed to be marked over the bridge and knowing we had to cross the road to get back, I took it to find nothing! From there I made a Hash educated decision to continue back along Srinakarin and I would eventually meet the large klong, we originally crossed, which I truly did. Then I followed the klong back to the out trail and back past the school and Wat again to the On In.

My Garmin told me I had done 7K so was well pleased, especially when I found out the whole trail was 9K! The hares proving there is life in the old dogs yet!

GM Maverick called the circle and thanked the hares for an excellent trail, even though he had only done half of it! Most Hashers liked the trail, personally I thought there were too many MINI checks and not enough long checks!

Tinker was stand in RA and did his usual excellent job and was also surprised to receive his BMH3 700th run mug. Ambrose was popular in the circle, as he had been telling us of his experience with a mountain bike that had put him in 4 different hospitals (presumably at different times?) and the disappearance of his testacles! He explained that he almost died, to which 4X2 replied that could he please hurry up, he was taking too long!

There were a few usual paltry nominations for POW, including myself, but then Retard was nominated and voting was closed immediately and without the usual ‘hash democratic vote’ he was awarded POW! No one can remember even what it was for, it happened so quick!

All in all another enjoyable Bangkok Monday Hash!

On On, Carlos TST


This page last updated: 28 Feb 2024