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Run:- 2090, 15 January 2024
Location:- Nonthaburi Bypass, Big Boss
Hare:-The Tickler

The Tickler’s second run as hare in as many days, each trail area separated by Ratchapreuk Road in Nonthaburi.

Despite the persistent creep of gated moobaans into this legacy Hashing ground it was still expected that today’s hare would deliver the goods in a location as familiar to him as his own apartment. Indeed he did.

A pack of nowadays typical size and varying-ability of the BMH3 headed out from the Big Boss in an easterly direction, soon turning left onto quiet roads to cross Khlong Om Nan at Wat Tanod after 1 km.

Immediately obvious was autopilot Village Idiot on a mission to lead the pack (and ignore the safety & wellbeing of his wife). He first guessed many of the checks set on paths trampled regularly by various Bangkok kennels. Eating his dust were Cums in Spurts, Norwegian-Nigerian and Turdburglar.

The well marked trail persistently darted from country road into bush and back again to small roads that dissect the remaining greenery, and on which for the next 4 km the front runners maintained a constant view of a short cutting Spinning Dwarf, another veteran of the area.

At 5km the trail crossed back to the south side of Khlong Om Nan and through Wat Rahong, soon after onto an overgrown khlong path that led On-In to the Big Boss run site. For front runners a tad over 6.5 km and a few minutes short of the hour mark. The non FRB’s steadily trickled in with the exception of Woody, who arrived shortly after a search party was mobilised but never quite found her or needed too.

Now, had your scribe been informed of his duties prior to a skin-full of beer at the circle, then what follows would be in more detail and certainly more accurate.

After GM Maverick’s traditional welcoming ceremonies, Tinker as lead RA entertained the circle well. Befuddled memory recalls many of the evenings Hashers appropriately given down downs, but not why. Clearer are the "POTW"nominees that included those who had gotten lost and POTW winner Sister Fister, a visitor from a San Diego (I’ve been there etc.) H3 kennel.

The O3 was held in a private room of Big Boss; a lively affair made more so by Norwegian-Nigerian taking over as resident DJ, having connected his phone to the rooms’ tv monitor and proceeded to screen requests from diners.

Scribe’s ride back to town left before the hare had announced the monetary damage, although it can be assumed that no one would be disappointed with their share of the bill.

Thanks to Tickler for his well received efforts on setting the trail and fine afters - and of course for providing pork knuckles to the satisfaction of Captain Erik.


This page last updated: 18 Jan 2024