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Run 2033, 12 December 2022
Location: Chonburi M'way, Gustavia
Hare: Maverick

Another day, another great run with the Bangkok Monday Hash House Harriers. Sunny skies and cool temperatures greeted the pack of around 20 happy Hashers that gathered behind the Gustavia Cafe in familiar territory next to the motorway. (Quick fact - the Gustavia Gracillima (Heaven Lotus Tree) is native to Colombia but now found in Thailand).

Pre-run Banter

Hash Flash Svend was back from his trip to Doha to spectate at the FIFA World Cup live and in-person. Besides watching his home team Denmark play, he watched a total of 14 matches. KC, Woody, and Kevin, exhausted after walking 7km from the train station, were rehydrating in the restaurant. The hare Maverick said there would be a shorter 6.5km option and an 8km runners trail. He instructed us to head down the road to the klong and turn left under the highway.

The Somewhat Familiar Trail

The trail continued along the klong and crossed the railway line, then rejoined the klong path. At a footbridge the paper turned right, which Tinker ignored and continued straight. It turns out there were two "bounces" off the klong that brought the runners back to where Tinker headed long ago. When the klong path hit the moo baan road, we encountered the runner-walker split. Runners continued down the path until the next moo baan road. The two trails eventually rejoined and we continued back to the railway tracks and the highway. Darkness set in as we crossed over the motorway and down the road next to where Unico golf course used to be before the back nine was turned into housing. Back home, beer, guacamole, corn chips and mini penile-shaped chicken nuggets were there for us thanks to Crash.

The Circle

The hare was welcomed into the circle and the consensus was it was an excellent trail with mostly soft surface and varied virgin terrain "no running along the railway tracks" and a couple "good checks" to confuse the pack. Codpiece was critical of the duration being four seconds over one hour and the distance being 200m over 8kms. No visitors were present and Roger Me and Woody were notable returners, holidaying from their home in Taipei. After three ex-grandmasters, SD, Tinker and Tickler were brought into the circle as Prick of the Week nominees, Mongolian Crotch saved their day by nominating the Religious Advisor and automatically winning the award.

The Pizza and Pasta Meal

The post-run meal was well attended. It was nice to have a change from the usual Thai food meal as the hare splurged on pizza, pasta and beer. We were charged a token 100 baht each and headed off into the night. Thanks Maverick, job well done.


This page last updated: 15 Dec 2022