Bangkok Monday Hash House Harriers
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Run:- 1350              Date:- 2 February 2009
Location:- Delawan Restaurant, Suksawat Soi 30
Drunk'n Donut
Scribe:- ?

Vague memories of BMH3’s Last Run.

The usual crowd gathered at the Delawan Restaurant to admire the foxes. No not the aging Harriette ex-foxes but two real dessert-like foxes. Also on hand was a Hornbill and some Gerbils. The latter worriedly looking about to see if Agent Orange was on hand.

“I ‘ave zet ze good run with some shaggy, some bridges and some climbing” warned Dunkin Donut. “I ‘ave used dis paper and it iz new. If you see old paper it iz from Ijarn kee mau” he continued “ Der iz a gat but it will cloz at six terty. So de walkers must ‘urry”

Off into the orchards went the pack. To his credit for the first 350m or so DD had found some new trails alas for some like the venerable GM it also included some 100mm tree trunk bridges. “Next one across, should stop and help the followers” he bellowed. “If you are the next one across there won’t be any followers” was the retort. The bridge at this stage not looking healthy. Hayter Peacock not worried about his health and with one foot already in the grave decided the other foot belonged in the fetid mud at the bottom of the ditch so he decided to forgo said bridge. To his credit AKM was copping with bridges but yours truly did not see Tickler.

We had to negotiate some fallen tree trunks which we wondered constituted climbing and eventually ended up at a small wooden bridge where the paper ran out and this f@#$ed up the whole run. Bruised Willy was checking deep as was Man Called Horse, Bad Boy Bubby, AKM et al. For 10 mins we looked and looked again. Eventually after running about 250m+ someone found paper which turned out to be the in trail. We negotiated another small bridge to find Spinning Dwarf walking back from the fishing pond “There is paper back there but the arrows point this way” he warned “If you want to run backwards go that way” At this point the “Walkie-Talkies” and the bulk of the pack decided to follow the foreshortened trail home.

A stalwart few including AKM, Man Called Horse, Noriega, Love Canal, Bruised Willy, Joylide and a visitor from Vientaine decided to do just that in order to find the lost trail from before. After some roads, a locked gate which Noriega persuaded the key holder to open and some bushwhacking round a moobahn and after solving a couple of backwards checks we arrived at a check in front of another locked gate gate. After checking up and down the road to no avail we looked trough the locked gate. A hah. Paper. But there was no way through Love canal being nimble and flexible (at least physically) managed to squeeze around the side of the gate so the small pack followed. At this stage the visitor and Joylide encountered a local resident carrying a parang, so neglected to ask if he had seen any paper. We circled some orchards only to find ourselves on the wrong side of a barbed wire fence with the only way out being to CLIMB out back onto the road 75m from the check. Now readers have to remember that we were running backwards some much conversation to place about north, the A site, the possible trail choices and the road home. AKM and the visitor lead most down the road to go the long way around home.

Bruised Willy avec GPS kept pointing into the orchards behind the gate and Noriega wanted to know which way was to the fishing pond. This is when Love Canal remembered a run he had set with Mini where the local owner had put an oil drum on a bridge to stop the pack. Noriega had thrown it into the klong in order to cross. The three wriggled back around the closed gate and sure enough there was paper to the right. In the failing light, or in Noriega’s case the flailing light, the three made their way quietly around the parang owner’s property to find themselves at the “barrel” bridge. We asked politely in pantomime Thai could we cross. The owner said yes politely to the farangs and then laid into Noriega with a barrage of Thai believed to go some thing like “I f@#$%ing told you two years ago not to run on my property”

Moral of the story. Had DD attended Love Canal’s School of Haring along with Sego he would have been told don’t go down there as the owner won’t let us go across his bridge. Then the owner wouldn’t have picked up all his paper.

In the circle a new member from Northern England was picked on for not wearing a ‘ash shirt and given a feeble name which your truly has already forgotten. Dunkin Donut got many down downs for screwing up a perfectly good run and was heard to say ”You people are so stupid I put ze paper every 2m. I tink I will lay paper across de parking lot so you can all find the restaurant” Sugar Daddy got one for not remembering it was ground hog day and for not looking out of his lodgings in New York state. Otherwise he would have not seen Som and stayed there another six weeks. POW was hotly contended, coming down to the newbie and DD. The French won at last.

Love Canal promised virgin territory for next weeks run but we’ll be the judge of that.

Mini showed up at the On On On and that is all I remember.


On Monday 2 February we had 20 Harriers, 8 Harriettes, 0 new boots and 6 visitors, total = 34. Returners included Roland “Whore Ride” Garcia, Geoff Reynolds, and Kevin “Bruised Willy” McGaffey.

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