Bangkok Monday Hash House Harriers
Running and drinking beer since 1982.
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Run:- 1339        Date:- 17 November 2008.
Location:- Onnut Road, miles from anywhere
Hare:- Canal Rapee
Scribe:- Bruised Willy

Ex-GM Matt "Anal Rape" Ryder's run began with the kind of disarray one has come to expect. The hare had moved the run site from the restaurant that was listed in the directions to a new restaurant that wasn't listed in any directions. It turns out that the hare, clearly having done a number of recons of the run, didn't bother to check whether the restaurant was actually open Mondays (it wasn't). So, when we saw Lil' Ian Slater standing in the road a kilometer or so short of our destination - trying to look like a grown up while flagging down hashmobiles – we knew the tone for the evening's run had been set.

Various hashers trickled in and began their pre-run rituals, keeping an eye out for the changes expected under a Bog administration. Bog busied himself making clear the changes that would occur under a Bog administration, starting with the replacement of bottled beer with a keg. Already this was too much for Spinning Dwarf, who began making his trademark dismissive/irritated hand motion and declaring that the inability to divide "bottles consumed" by "attendees" marked the end of hashing as we know it. As we listened, amused, to Todd's Beer Table Putsch, a number of us began asking one another if anyone had, in fact, seen the hare (Anal Rape). Would there be a hash at all?

Anal Rape showed up a few moments before run time, soaked and with mud up his back (from a motorbike – not a good sign), bearing one final piece of paper in hand to demonstrate what we should be sni ng for and announced "This is what the paper looks like, on-on that way!" Off the pack went to the right and thundered down the pavement.

Unfortunately, the pack continued down the pavement. And continued. And continued. Finally, after about a kilomteter of choking in diesel fumes, we crossed a small khlong and paper was spotted off to the right. The FRBs began running around madly trying to find the trail. "ONNN OONNNNNNNN!" came the cry as we headed into the dirt and shiggy for the trail's mid-section.

Those of us who had run on Matt's BH3 Old Farts run a month or so prior quickly recognized the territory. Fish ponds ahoy! Those of us who checked on every check in Matt's previous BH3 trail also immediately recognized Matt's check-laying strategy – backcheck, backcheck, backcheck. The trail continued on through farmers' yards and along muddy dikes until we came to the end of a tarmac road stretching as far as the eye could see to our right. The paper lead on on down the road, and so we went running and running and running and running down the road. Oh we ran and ran and ran. Still we ran more and more, running and running and running. Oh the joy of running on pavement!

The long road mercifully came to an end and paper lead off to our right – down ANOTHER LONG ROAD. So we ran and ran down the long road on the hard pavement with the diesel fumes and the honking cars and the loud mufflers. Dejectedly we ran, having been forsaken by the hare and left with an On In that took us kilometers down straight pavement. Finally we came to the end just as dusk was setting in and everyone somberly shook the hare's hand.

As we filed in, we noticed Plugs Manboobs sitting on his tailgate waiting for his boyfriend Tom Olaf Ellefsen to appear (his intentions having been made apparent by the proctology lamp affixed to his forehead). Other hashers wandered in from all directions and Barbie made it a point to ask each and every one of them what took them so long. Some, it turns out, had run an entirely different run – the one the hare set from the other restaurant before realizing that it wasn't open on Mondays (a key fact participating hares might want to know ahead of time, what with the Monday hash typically being held on Mondays). Finally, the last of the hashers sauntered in and began the ritual French showers, with more than a few of the men retiring to a concrete bathhouse at the far corner of the lot to slap each other with branches and frolic under the gentle rain of the shit-spraying nozzle.

Bog, our new GM, called the circle to order and basked in the glow of his new authority, ordering in returners for down downs and giving a few down downs out himself for various transgressions against the hash. He closed up his portion of the evening's entertainment by calling Ian and Neil into the circle, insulting both of them and Neil's wife, telling all of them that they can insult each other or not insult each other, but that they have to get along and, finally, declaring that this is what the hash is all about (this is, in fact, what the hash is all about). The Mahatma then turned the circle over to Ajarn Kee Mao, who proceeded to prance around in his dress, insulting persons without regard to whether they were present on the hash or had even lived in the last century or so. AKM closed out his act by naming your On Sec as "Prick of the Week" for doing a good job at his job after which he was forced to walk around wearing a strap-on penis and drinking beer, a common punishment for hard work in GM Bog's home country of The Netherlands.

In closing, Lad Krabang is a land of contrasts.


On Monday 17 November we had 19 Harriers, 8 Harriettes, 0 new boots and 0 visitors, total = 27. Returners included Som Burgess, Marc Lavoie, David Lynton, Bob Boulter, Christi Holleman, and Kevin Mcgaffey.

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